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MP’s of all political colours come in for a lot of flack and most of the time, it’s justified when it’s in respect of their professional record. However, like anyone devoting their time to the service of others, appropriate recognition is deserved when they do good.
Our last CORRUFLEX(TM) Sidewall Belt for 2023 has rolled off our production line and been loaded this morning - destination India!
This week, we finished producing another CORRUFLEX(TM) Sidewall Belt that we’ve exported to India 🇮🇳 produced using our high quality advanced cold bonding technique that’s virtually unrivalled!
For they last 6 months, we’ve been working with one of our customers who was looking for a reliable, quality supplier of oil resistant belt for them to provide a service to their recycling customer.
Not one but two of our CORRUFLEX(TM) Sidewall Belts in production simultaneously! One for the UK and another destined for Australia!
A bit of a different outlook today and for the next couple of days supporting one of our partners in Middle East
One of two CORRUFLEX(TM) Sidewall Belts produced by hot vulcanised assembly at the customers request with 160mm high sidewalls. Eventually, these belts will arrive at the end customer in North Africa.
With Speedbird, you’ve got the choice of the best of both; either cold bonded sidewall belts to unrivalled adhesion strengths or hot vulcanised belts for environments where temperatures are higher than 80°c